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Darrel Alejandro Holnes

Darrel Alejandro Holnes is the recipient of a National Endowment for the Arts Creative Writing Fellowship in Poetry and the Drinking Gourd Chapbook Poetry Prize for MIGRANT PSALMS (Northwestern University Press, 2020). His poems have previously appeared in American Poetry Review, Poetry Magazine, The Caribbean Writer, Callaloo, Best American Experimental Writing, and elsewhere in print and online. Holnes is a Cave Canem and a Canto Mundo fellow. His poetry has also earned him scholarships to the Bread Loaf Writers Conference, the C.P. Cavafy Poetry Prize from Poetry International, and residencies nationwide including a residency at the MacDowell Arts Colony. He is an Assistant Professor at Medgar Evers College and he teaches at New York University. Nation. He is the founder of Candela Writers Workshop, designed to support Black-Latinx poets through the preservation and the advancement of Black-Latinx literary work.

Darrel Alejandro Holnes
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