Heidi Andrea Restrepo Rhodes
Heidi Andrea Restrepo Rhodes is a queer, Colombian/Latinx, poet, artist, scholar, & activist. Her poetry collection The Inheritance of Haunting was selected by Ada Limón for the 2018 Letras Latinas Andrés Montoya Poetry Prize for a first book for a Latina/o/x poet & was published by University of Notre Dame Press in March 2019. A 2019 CantoMundo Fellow, and 2018 VONA alum, her poetry has been published in Poetry, Academy of American Poets Poem-a-Day, Split This Rock’s Quarry, Nat.Brut, Feminist Studies, and Huizache, among other places. She was a semi-finalist for the 2017 92-Y/Unterburg Poetry Center Discovery Contest, and a quarter-finals judge for the 2017 Youth Speaks/Brave New Voices National Poetry Slam Competition. Born in Arizona, and raised in California, she currently lives in Brooklyn.