M. Soledad Caballero
M. Soledad Caballero, Professor of English & co-chair of the WGSS department at Allegheny College, is a Macondo and CantoMundo fellow, winner of Cutthroat: A Journal of the Arts’ 2019 Joy Harjo poetry prize and the 2020 SWWIM’s SWWIM-For-the-Fun-of-It contest. Her poems have appeared in the Missouri Review, the Iron Horse Literary Review, the Crab Orchard Review, and other venues. Her collection, I Was a Bell (2021) won the 2019 Benjamin Saltman poetry prize and was published by Red Hen Press. I Was a Bell was the 2022 International Association of Autoethnography and Narrative Inquiry book of the year, and was a 2022 International Latino Book Award winner. Her second collection will also be published by Red Hen Press, and is tentatively titled Fight Plan. She is an avid tv watcher and a terrible birder.