Paula Neves
paulA neves, a Luso-American writer, multimedia artist, Newark native, and recipient of the 2020 NJ Poets Prize from the Journal of NJ Poets, is the author of the chapbook, capricornucopia: the dream of the goats (Finishing Line Press 2018), and the co-author (with Nick Kline) of the poetry/photography collection Shirts & Skins (Shine Portrait Studio Press 2017). Other writing has appeared in Red Fez, Newest Americans, City Brink, The Acentos Review, The Abuela Stories Project, Queen Mob’s Teahouse, Writers of the Portuguese Diaspora, and elsewhere. paulA has been a teaching artist for the trauma informed/socially engaged GlassBook Project and has also exhibited work at various NJ-based galleries. paulA is the co-founder (with Boris Tsessarsky) of Parkway North Productions and co-produced the short film Every Alien Pen, a selection at the 2019 NYC Independent Film Festival. A graduate of Rutgers Newark’s MFA in Creative Writing Program, paulA has received fellowships from NYFA, CantoMundo, the Sundress Academy for the Arts, and the Disquiet International Literary Program, and is a co-founder of the Kale Soup for the Soul Luso-American reading series and Brick City Collective of Newark writers, artists and activists. paulA's work focuses on themes of work, family, identity, (dis)placement, eco-justice, spirituality, and immigrant forebears whose sacrifices have made much possible. Visit @itinerantmuse for more information.